Workshop with aim of helping to understand young people to better understands themselves, their values and to move in the desired direction of employment or volunteer work.

The workshop offers fresh approaches to the first steps of employment or a career change with a clear overview of what we have, what we know and what we can contribute to the world. The work process brings freshness and motivation for future work.

Our job is to help participants describe, explain, improve, or redefine their own personal development model. This means that we follow the methodology of the personal development model together, using the the tool called canvas. After the workshop, participants see what their strengths are and what makes them different from others. This can help young people choose the right study, while employees can more easily decide what the next step in their career path should be.

Supported by: Office of the Ljubljana municipality for youth,  Office of the Republic of Slovenia for youth


City based online platform that allows cities and regions to create unique learning paths for young people using interactive maps, online playlists and digital open badges.

Citie of learning is an initiative based on a unique online platform that allows young people to easily browse the various learning opportunities in their city. The initiative currently operates in 12 European cities and regions, of which Ljubljana wants to learn good practices and transfer them into its environment. By transferring the use of this infrastructure to Ljubljana, young people who live, work, study or regularly visit the capital will have access to an online platform based on a specific geographical area and all its features - including an interactive map, learning playlists and digital badges. Once the different learning opportunities are gathered in one place, young people will have an overview of all the opportunities their city has to offer. This will also make their learning paths more targeted and their learning mobility more flexible. When the platform is active, it will enable young people to: browse the map of Ljubljana, where individual training providers and their learning opportunities are mapped; follow existing playlists or design their own and be rewarded with digital badges for their achievements.

Supported by: The project is supported by Erasmus +.

"BITE of Art"

BITE – Introduction of new business model into European contemporary art operators to generate new young audience

Today in the fast-changing environment than ever, driven with rapid development of technology, new ideas, change of communication and habits of people, all industries faced a moment in which they will either refuse to adapt to new circumstances and eventually struggle on market, or they will embrace those changes and take advantage of it. This applies to all business today, same as it applies to culture and art. Surrounded with those changes contemporary art and culture remained distant from ordinary citizens.

Problems in their relation appears two levels:

- WAY of COMMUNICATION between cultural operators

- young people and INNOVATION in sense of offered CONTENT.

 Institute TiPovej! and Young Dragons cooperate in the project.

Supported by: Creative Europe (2014-2020) - Culture (Project cooperation 2019)

Brave. Creative. Enterprising.

The youth are brave, creative and enterprising. In order to make also them believe this and truly trust themselves and their abilities, we help them with new knowledge, broadening horizons, and aid with idea creation and realisation. We live in a time when the world needs young people who are internally motivated, creative, ready to learn and brave. Those, who are not afraid of failure. The educational programme Brave. Creative. Enterprising. allows young people to shine in their talents and take responsibility for their future. It enables them to gain social and enterprising skills already in high school. It provides them with a space for vision, new ideas and opportunity to succeed. It encourages them to think about their own ideas and their own path towards becoming active in society and on the labour market. At the same time, it teaches them how to strengthen their capacities for self-realisation. It also develops their creative thinking and enterprising skills, which are the two most important spheres of today’s time.

This 30-hour programme is devised for high schools and youth centres. The process is enriched by young entrepreneurs and successful individuals.

Supported by: Office of the Ljubljana municipality for youth,  Office of the Republic of Slovenia for youth

Green Ljubljana – City Incubator

The programme “What is good and could be even better?” offers trainings, mentoring and financial support for youth aged 18-29 who have developed ideas how to improve the quality of life in Ljubljana and spread good in the city. TiPovej! runs the workshops and coordinates the mentoring process. The programme runs from November to April and it includes:
- 3 x 3-hour workshops with idea realisation experts;
- individual mentoring;
- between 200€ and 1000€ of financial support for up to 10 chosen projects.

We transform ideas into projects and help with their realisation.

Supported by: Office of the Ljubljana municipality for youth,  Office of the Republic of Slovenia for youth

Youth network for career development

Since 2018, 7 partner organisations have come together to create and set up a Youth network for career development.

How do we see this network? Youth network for career development is a crucial actor in the field of youth career development. It is a relevant interlocutor to decision-makers, it connects the representative organisations, it sets quality standards in the field in question, and it gives access to quality information to young adults while also providing a space for developing their potential.

Supported by: Office of the Ljubljana municipality for youth,  Office of the Republic of Slovenia for youth