DigitalYOu - presenting the platform to key stakeholders

Over the past two months, the Tipovej! team has been presenting the DigitalYou platform to young people, youth workers and key stakeholders in the youth sector. The platform is designed to offer youth organisations an online space where they can work, organise events and connect.

We talk a lot about digital youth work and digital tools for working with young people. But what about WE? How can youth workers and youth workers make their work easier and use digital tools successfully in their work?

As part of the DigitalYOu project, we have helped to develop an online platform that answers this very question through 3 key features: 

  • ENGAGE - create your own 3D virtual office that offers you the free tools you need to digitally manage your work and the work of your organisation.
  • ENPOWER - use the 3D conference room to run your group programmes in a virtual world.
  • CONNECT - participate in virtual trade shows and present to organisations and key stakeholders and around the world. 

Watch a demonstration of the platform via video HERE and explore the platform in practice HERE

DigitalYOu is co-funded by the European Union.