Invitation to International Training and Certification in Digital Badge Recognition

We’re hosting an International Training and Certification program in Digital Badge Recognition from 20th to 25th May 2024, and would like to invite you. The training will take place in Sremski Karlovci, Serbia. It will be led by The Cities of Learning Network team which enables to create unique learning pathways for their youth using interactive maps, online learning playlists and digital Open Badges.

If you are: 

  • an experienced learning provider in any field, who's already familiar with the Cities of Learning platform and using Open Badges as a tool for recognition
  • or a highly motivated youth worker or educator in the non-formal or formal education field, who's committed to contribute to establishing a quality standard for digital Open Badges

this is a unique opportunity for you!

A Quality Label, in the context of our project, serves as a recognized standard of distinction in digital badge recognition. It signifies that individuals or organizations awarded the label have demonstrated expertise, dedication to established procedures, and a commitment to upholding high standards in the issuance and recognition of digital open badges. 

The primary aim of this training is to transfer knowledge and competences related to the Quality Label (QL), a novel standard we are establishing for badge issuers. Through this program, you will gain insights into the QL, be equipped with the expertise needed to contribute to and uphold this new quality standard in the field of digital badge recognition.

What you will gain:

  • Build your expertise and acquire in-depth knowledge and certification in digital open badge recognition.

  • Build your capacity on the established Quality Label standard and procedures for badge issuers and the proposed technical solution to implement Quality Labels on the Cities of Learning platform

  • Connect with like-minded professionals and experts in the non-formal education field.

  • Contribute to establishing a quality standard for accrediting Open Badges issuers.

  • Play a crucial role in promoting wider badge recognition at both national and European levels.

Future Opportunities:

After your participate in this training, you will be supported in becoming a multiplier and are invited to bring your expertise to implement badge recognition and quality standards in Ljubljana. With our team's support, you will train local badge issuers seeking better quality and wider recognition of learning activities and outcomes within and beyond non-formal learning and youth work fields. Furthermore, you will have the chance to be part of an International Expert Seminar taking place in the Netherlands in 2025. This seminar, a cornerstone event, will gather up to 35 experts, stakeholders, and decision-makers to present an agreed quality standard for accrediting Open Badges issuers. It's a great opportunity to provide recommendations, gain support, and demonstrate the collective achievements in the field.

Please note that there are only 3 spots available for participants from Slovenia. To confirm your participation and secure your spot, kindly fill up the application form. The deadline for applications is 1st March 2024. 

For any questions, feel free to contact us at 0038641 931 202.

The project is co-funded by European Union through the ERASMUS+ program.