Within the framework of the CIVIC EU project, young people prepared the recommendations of the Municipality of Ljubljana

Young people involved in the CIVIC EU project, aimed at training young people to monitor and valuate the implementation of policies in local environments, after the training in September, actively researched the implementation measures of youth policy in the Municipality of Ljubljana. In the process, they formulated 17 recommendations, which will be presented to the Youth Office of the Ministry of Education and Culture in November. This will be followed by presentations of the process of learning, monitoring and evaluation of policies, as well as formulated recommendations to the public. The recommendations will help the Municipality of Ljubljana in preparing the Strategy of the Municipality of Ljubljana for young people for the new programming period.

The CIVIC EU project was created on the initiative of the Center for European Politics form Romania and takes place in 5 countries of the EU: Romania, Greece, Italy, Latvia and Slovenia. In Slovenia, the project is coordinated by the Cultural and Educational Association PiNA. The project is financed within the Erasmus+ program. 

TiPovej! participated and held a 4-day training in September 2023, where young people learned about youth policies and the measures resulting from them, the methodology monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of measures and policies. 

In collaboration with the Office of Youth of the city of Ljubljana, they evaluated the following areas of city youth policies:

  • project and programs in Ljubljana, that are intended for rural youth
  • operation of program networks co-financed by the municipality
  • the needs of youth in Ljubljana and
  • entrepreneurship and innovation.

The results of the research (in Slovene) can be found here. The international research will be shared soon.