EMOTION - L2L how to develop creative emotional and stress management skills - International training

15.06.2011 - 25.06.2011 | Lorca, Spain

During past ten years, wide array of trainings where organized for and with youth in Europe, usually covered topics such as intercultural learning, democratic values, youth participation and activism and parallel with that run process of training of trainers (TOT) and development of new training materials and curricula took place.

An intensive training as this will provide participants with variety of skills and tools that will complement their knowledge, skills and attitudes and draw on their personal & professional development and behaviour as youth workers/leaders, and people that would like to address relevant social issues when working with groups of young people or youth workers.

For a difference in training EMOTION we will:

  • Introduction to the topic of emotions - notion, theoretical aspect, physiology and psychology
  • Researching the universe of feelings (developing emotional awareness, and making differences between similar feelings).
  • Transforming mental representation of emotional experience into creative actions.
  • Fostering inspiration through different artistic forms (music, painting, choreography...) that can be helpful in emotional management.
  • Contributing to the personal development of each participant as a person and as a trainer.