Entrepreneurship programme for young people in 3 secondary schools - Cooperation with CEED Slovenia on EU project CENTRES

01.05.2012 - 31.12.2013 | Slovenia

TiPovej! helped CEED developed an entrepreneurship programme, which contains a holistic learning progress combining theory with real case experience, individual and group work. The programme consist of a combination of workshops, project work, mentorship and networking events through which the participants will gain the knowledge, skills as well as attitudes to become more entrepreneurial. The programme is focused on students of 16-17. CEED involved creative industry entrepreneurs in the development and implementation of the programme. The pilot is conducted in 3 schools, involving 60 pupils in training, 200 in networking events.

Focus on:

  • nature of entrepreneurship
  • practical business/entrepreneurship opportunities

We need to increase entrepreneurial skills of young people in the creative industries. Besides having ideas we have to know how to realize them. We have to cultivate and appreciate entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial training programs. Pilot project is taking place in Srednja šola za lesarstvo- College of Wood Science Škofja loka, Medijska šola Ljubljana – Media school in Ljubljana and Gimnazija Šentvid - High school Šentvid and involves over 60 students and 40 professors and mentors.

By taking the non-formal way to educate young people in 3 secondary schools of formal education we are developing the good practice example which will be presented in the closing event of the process in March of 2013. With the example we would like to show the established relationship among pupils, teachers and business sector reflected in ideas of young people and in their knowledge how to realize them. We involved the entrepreneurs from the field of creative industries in development of the program and its implementation. Creation of stronger partnerships between schools and creative industries can bring much more working opportunities especially for young people who will soon enter the labour market.