01.11.2015 - 01.10.2016

International project »  Include Me - Creation of the Training Scheme for Prevention of Early School Leaving«
Within the project we are building  the capacity of youth workers/organizations to create innovative non formal education (NFE) methods that will help young people with poor school performance (PSP) not to fall out from formal education system, labor market and society.
Project exists of study visit, seven days seminar for youth workers. Over all result will be  »Traning Manual  for Prevention of Early School Leaving«

Partners in the project: Libero- Serbia, OUT OF THE BOX - Belgium, PRONI - Bosnia and Hercegovina, TiPovej- Slovenia, JEF- Montenegro, MOJU - Portugal,  KYL -  Kosovo.  

Support: Supported by: Erasmus + K2 Capacity Building in the field of Youth