"Learn, Learn and Learn …"

01.02.2012 | Ljubljana, Slovenia

The "Learn, Learn and Learn" project aims to bring education closer to the young in a fun and relaxed manner. Based on our research into education, teaching methods, key competences and theories dealing with informal and non-formal education, we plan to cooperate with the young to develop an education tool in the form of a board game. The game will facilitate positive attitude to learning and foster the learning-to-learn skill, a key lifelong learning competence that can make or break a young individual's personal and professional success.

The game will be made so as to activate the learning of an individual and a group. It will be fun, simple to use and attractive for the young to play around with, even if alone.

Based on the knowledge acquired during the visit to Belgium's C.I.S. non-governmental organisation, the TiPovej team will join forces with the young to create a "Teaching opportunities" board game, an educational tool for the workshops, carried out for and with the young and their teachers. After the workshop, we will analyse the usefulness and effectiveness of the game and use workshop experience and feedback to finalize it.

The project wants to encourage the young to think positively about learning and the opportunities it brings.

By taking part at the workshops, the participants will get the chance to co-create the game, as their feedback will play in important role in the final design. They will be discussing under guidance how to benefit from their experience and skills, how to upgrade them through various learning opportunities and how to fulfill their goals.

The workshops will take place at different secondary schools, dorms, faculties and at organisations dealing with dropouts.

Support: Ljubljana Municipality Youth Office, Republic of Slovenia Youth Office