01.02.2013 - 30.10.2013 | Ljubljana, Slovenia

Courage, Creativity and Entrepreneurship are the key skills that young people need to be trained in. For this reason we are delivering workshops and meetings to encourage them for entrepreneurship. Through experiential learning they get familiar with basic elements of entrepreneurship: an idea, verification of ideas, planning, implementation, promotion, sale.

Young people have opportunity to get first- hand experience in entrepreneurship and to understand the entire process from product to earnings. The program is creating and implemening in collaboration with young successful entrepreneurs. Simultaneously we want to check the idea of ​social enterprise that would employ vulnerable target groups as dropouts and first job seekers.

We want to equip young people with the knowledge and experience to become creators of their own jobs and not just job seekers. We train them how to set ambitious goals and how to achieved them. During the process we highlightening the importance of non-formal education and gaining the experiences in the real sector during the time of schooling, what is a necessity, but unfortunately not a lot of young people, their parents and teachers are aware of this.

The program helps young people to develop competencies that are needed for successful and independent living: entrepreneurship and innovation, learning to learn and active participation in society.

Program based on the methods of non-formal learning where the main role have young participants in co-creating learning out-comes and learning path. Special meaning has creativity as a skill, which can lead participants to more solutions.

Support: Ljubljana Municipality Youth Office, Republic of Slovenia Youth Office